the risk management blog

byLowers & Associates | December 06, 2016

Does it seem like the unthinkable news about another shooter trying to murder as many innocent people as possible has become almost routine? If it feels this way to you, there’s a reason. The number of “active shooter” incidents—cases…

byLowers & Associates | November 29, 2016

Preparing for (or even considering) an active assailant incident is a difficult task for anyone. Sadly, we must. The number of these incidents is on the rise, and it is critical to be prepared to predict, prevent, and respond…

byLowers & Associates | November 18, 2016

Every two years, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) performs and publishes research on worldwide organizational fraud. These reports have rearranged the landscape on organizational fraud by providing a bedrock data-based description of the incidence, characteristics and impact…

byLowers & Associates | November 16, 2016

This week is International Fraud Week, an annual awareness effort organized by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) to shine a spotlight on fraud. It is estimated that fraud costs approximately 5 percent of annual revenue for organizations…

byLowers & Associates | November 15, 2016

One way to think about risk management is as a set of procedures designed to mitigate risks identified in a threat assessment. In this view, the risk management program contains a set of rules that can be taught to…