In today’s rapidly evolving fraud landscape, complacency is a costly gamble. Those well-worn phrases—“That will never happen to me” or “We’ve always done it this way”—might feel comforting, but they’re the kind of cultural blind spots that fraudsters love….
Despite the prevalence of organizational fraud and its well-documented costs, businesses both large and small continue to operate without – or fail to review and test – systematic fraud prevention programs, running the risk of avoidable loss and reputational…
It hasn’t been easy, but I’m thrilled to say that our business has evolved significantly since the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Today, Lowers Risk Group provides a single point of contact to help businesses around the world manage complex pre-risk…
Summary Despite the prevalence of organizational fraud and its well-documented costs, businesses both large and small continue to operate without – or fail to review and test – systematic fraud prevention programs, running the risk of avoidable loss and…
This week, we were proud to support the ACFE’s International Fraud Awareness Week — a global effort to minimize the impact of fraud by promoting anti-fraud awareness and education. As we wrap up our Fraud Awareness Week series, Fraud…