[Infographic] How to Address the Threat of an Active Assailant Incident in Your Organization
Each and every employee and community member deserves to feel safe. OSHA requires it, labeling it as an organization’s responsibility to provide a safe workplace. Tragically, with a growing number of active assailant incidents happening all around the country, this threat is more relevant than ever before. Over a two-year span, 26 states experienced 40 active assailant incidents, resulting in more than 230 casualties.
It is essential to anticipate this debilitating threat and to put proactive and preventative measures in place. Including an ‘Active Assailant Incident’ component in your risk management program is fast becoming a cornerstone issue. There are measures that can make a difference and can save lives.
Our latest infographic breaks down this unlikely but devastating problem, including some insight into an assailant and a typical incident, and what to do to predict, prevent, and respond if a shooting occurs.
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