Managing the Risks & Reaping the Rewards of an Extended Workforce

By Lowers & Associates,

Extended Workforce

This article is excerpted from a recent guide to Extended Workforce Risk Management from Proforma Screening Solutions, a Lowers Risk Group company. Download the complete guide here.

Welcome to the New Norm in Staffing

Temporary, contract, or contingent.  Regardless of the term you use to classify the extended workforce—consisting of people who provide service to your organization but are not enrolled in the company payroll—the fact remains that these workers are changing the face of staffing.

Relied upon by companies of all sizes to provide flexibility, specialized skills, innovation, labor cost control, and more, the extended workforce has woven itself deep into the fabric of today’s leading organizations. The extended workforce has become so prevalent that according to Aberdeen Group research, 26% of the average workforce consists of contingent, temporary, or contract labor as of 2012, up 9% since 2009. … Continue reading

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